Manhattan Group (our blockchain project)

Immortality blockchain project is named Manhattan Group.

Currently, in development and not pre-release, a demonstrator is available on GitHub. It is a standard cryptocurrency and blockchain with smart contract functionality and some additional features.

Decentralized science (DeSci) is about funding science. The DeSci module is experimental. Currently...

  • We simply suggest doubling the block reward and transaction fee to fund moonshots, the miner is restricted to donate the extra block reward to worthy causes.
  • The block reward is the only way to make new coins, perhaps no limit or perhaps hard limit on the amount of coins. Perhaps as long as there are transactions to mine, new coins are viable, the opposite is possibly also true.
  • VM, the virtual machine, the runtime environment for transaction execution in Ethereum. A transaction is smart contract code executed by the virtual machine to do something useful. The move away from hard coded wallets and cryptocurrency rules towards VM development means a more capable cryptocurrency. The design of the VM is the cryptocurrency. The instruction set includes, stack operations, memory operations, and operations to inspect the current execution context, such as remaining gas, information about the current block, and the current transaction.
  • Transactions per second, nearing and exceeding credit cards, has been reached by several cryptocurrencies already. Its enough to par at credit card TPS.
  • Quantum proofing the cryptocurrency, quantum resistance.

Smart Contracts

Latest technology states that cryptocurrency is VM development and not hard-coding rules in code to form a cryptocurrency. The move away from a hard coded cryptocurrency and the move towards the VM as the cryptocurrency means three things...

  • System smart contracts, a lib on blockchain so that contracts are not coded each and every time instead a user interface with a GUI executing, leveraging contracts already on the system. The blockchain references the contract.
  • APIs, system smart contracts should also bleed into API's, so industry can leverage blockchain to their specific applications without needing to write code, these are a repertoire of system smart contracts that can be leveraged easily within personal coding projects as API like functions and perhaps in a GUI application for general banking applications. Providing application specific functions, you can send the final score of a game to the blockchain to execute a transaction to the winner's wallet address, without coding the contract from scratch, just send the variable information and reference the contract on the system.
  • Smart wallets, wallets as smart contract that can have features, such as buyer protection, transaction reversal and cooling-off periods against rug pools. These are options selected at transaction time by the user.

Language: C programming language. Python used for smart contracts.

Github (open source):

Open source project and blockchain design is community developed.

Recently CoinMarketCap explored DeSci, decentralized science addresses the issues around science and its funding for the result of more funding for more research. Decentralized science seems to be a category, and many projects address aspects of decentralized science.

Consensus Algorithms

What are the current consensus algorithms.

  1. PoUW - Proof of useful work, like PoW, but distributed computing solving real world problems. Resource intensive and profitable. Proof-of-research.
  2. Proof-of-Activity/Importance/Capacity - better nodes are preferred by criteria. Some minimum computing capacity or uptime to be preferenced in the network.

We are choosing PoUW proof of useful work, as miners are seeking minable coins and they can choose to fund renewables with the extra block reward, we can aim for some of the best returns for PoUW miners. Two issues are quantum resistance and transactions per second.

Transactions Per Second, Credit Card Speed

A layer one solution with transactions per second comparable to Visa and Mastercard. The speed and quantity of transactions close or better than on credit cards.

  1. VISA’s TPS = 1,700 but claims 24,000
  2. Mastercard = 5,000

Quantum Resistant Ledger

Such is an example of quantum resistance ledger.

Scam Protection, Consumer Protections, Adoption

Scam proofing the blockchain and providing consumer protections might be valid. These scam proofing transactions, such as the PayPal buyer protection, which is a great model. Consumer protection clause, such as refunding customers when a product or service is not delivered or not as described. A product or service is rendered for an exchange of money. If the product or service is not rendered, then it is theft. If a product or service is rendered and payment is not made, then it is also theft. All transactions are of a free will. Forcing products and services onto people against their want or need is armed robbery. Forcing payment for no product or service is armed robbery. Proofs must be manufactured and forwarded in the transaction to correctly judge the case. If no proofs are supplied, the case is arbitrarily determined by the appointed mediator. The second is scam proofing services on the network, people and organizations making smart contracts, DEX's and CEX's and other services. These systems must have protections for consumer. All these protections are in code. Scammer and rife in crypto. An automated well-coded, evolving anti-scam system into the cryptocurrency is required. It could aid adoption. Adption could possibly be modelled on the credit card system, a real world merchant facility with a card or similar. The buyer has a swipe card loaded with cryptocurrency that they use to pay. Seller has a touch, swipe facility that accepts cryptocurrency for payment of goods and services. A person goes to a store and fills their cart with products, they go to the cashier and there is a swipe card machine that accepts crypto, their items are scanned, and they get the total, they swipe or touch their card and the payment is made. A QRcode is generated for the specific order, and the debit card automatically scans and pays that QRcode. The QRcode is not seen in the transaction. A protocol rather than a QRcode image may be an advance. The electrical power should it be required comes from the field at the merchant end. A pin could precede or no pin and instead a small app on a phone that kills the card should one lose it. The user could be told to only load as much crypto as they need. The application could be card specific and make the phone hardware also a payment card. There is no third-party required in the transaction.

Monero is considered anonymous, blockchains are generally anonymous enough and there is no real problem here as legally, there is no proof that an address is attached to a person, as long as the person denies it. Strategies like toring the transaction makes proof by location unprovable. Even transaction volume and marketcap information provides enough incentive to crack down on crypto. The blockchain has to be flexible to change against the new strategies used to control and kill crypto. However, scammers are rife on crypto, and it is not a valuable aspect of the system. Anti-scam features should be installed into the currency.

Preferring Layer 1

Manhattan Group is a layer 1 blockchain.


It is all achieved in code, there is no governance. Code development and direction is done via the Github system and collaborators that contribute to the development discuss.

What about Immortality?

Immortality will continue and be fully supported and NOT be phased out. Both will be promoted alongside each other.

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