
freqtrade trade --config config_examples/config_freqai.example.json --strategy FreqaiExampleStrategy --freqaimodel LightGBMRegressor --strategy-path freqtrade/templates

FreqAI has multiple example prediction model libraries that are ready to be used as is via the flag --freqaimodel. These libraries include CatBoost, LightGBM, and XGBoost regression, classification, and multi-target models, and can be found in freqai/prediction_models/

freqtrade trade --freqaimodel ReinforcementLearner --strategy MyRLStrategy --config config.json


freqtrade download-data --config user_data/ai_config.json --prepend --timerange=20150131

freqtrade download-data --exchange binance --pairs BTC/USDT ETH/USDT BNB/USDT --timeframes 5m 1h --timerange=20150131-

freqtrade backtesting --config config_examples/config_freqai.example.json --strategy FreqaiExampleStrategy --freqaimodel LightGBMRegressor --strategy-path freqtrade/templates --timerange 20250501-


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